Join Our Free Workshop for Church Leaders

Date: Saturday, October 5th

Time: 1:00pm-5:00pm

Location: Online

Meet Your Hosts

Henry & Latoya Tolbert

Simple Systems Consulting

Welcome to REChurch - REVision, REVitalize, REBuild!

We are excited to guide you through this transformative workshop. Henry Tolbert, founder and lead consultant at Simple Systems Consulting, and Latoya Tolbert, Director of Discipleship, bring over a decade of experience in church growth and leadership development.

Together, we have served more than 300 churches across the National Baptist Convention of America Intl, INC., The Florida Eastern Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ, the Florida Church of God (Indiana), and more. Our mission is to empower church leaders with innovative, easy-to-use solutions for sustainable growth and community engagement.


Facing Declining Attendance?

Discover proven strategies to attract and retain members. We'll show you how to breathe new life into your church's vision and make it compelling to your congregation and community.

Struggling with Outdated Social Media?

Learn how to effectively use digital platforms to engage your audience. We'll help you modernize your online presence and connect with people in meaningful ways.

Dealing with Disengaged Members?

Find out how to re-energize your congregation and get them involved again. We'll share practical steps to build a vibrant, active church community.

Feeling Isolated in Leadership?

Connect with fellow pastors and church leaders who understand your challenges. This workshop provides a supportive network where you can share experiences and solutions.

Overwhelmed With Too Much On Your Plate?

Get practical advice on building a strong, future-focused team. We'll teach you how to delegate effectively and empower your leaders to take charge.

Need a Clear Plan for Growth?

Walk away with actionable plans to add 50 new members in the next 6 months. We'll guide you through creating events and programs that attract and retain new attendees.


1. Do I need to register each team member separately?

Yes, each team member needs to register individually to ensure we have an accurate count. This helps us provide a private link for everyone attending.

2. What should I bring to the workshop?

Please bring a notebook and pen for taking notes. If you purchased the REChurch Workbook, it will be provided before the event. Come prepared with any specific questions or challenges you want to address.

3. Will there be any breaks during the event?

Yes, we have scheduled a Q & A break from 3:00 PM to 3:15 PM.

4. Can I purchase any extra resources for the event?

Yes, you can purchase the Workshop Replays and the REChurch Workbook at the event. You can also purchase the video replays of the Live Event.

5. What if I need to cancel my registration?

If you need to cancel your registration, please contact us as soon as possible so we can offer your spot to someone else. Space is limited.

6. Will there be opportunities for one-on-one time with Henry Tolbert?

While the workshop is designed for group learning and interaction, Henry Tolbert will be available during the breaks and after the sessions for brief group questions.

7. How will the Workshop Replays be delivered?

The Workshop Replays, along with the bonus materials, will be delivered digitally. You will receive an email with access instructions after the event.

8. Can I bring additional guests who haven't registered?

We kindly ask that all attendees register in advance. This ensures we have enough livestream codes for all attendees. Unregistered guests will not be guaranteed entry.

9. Should I purchase the REChurch Workbook?

The REChurch Workbook is a valuable resource that enhances your workshop experience. It includes detailed notes, exercises, and actionable plans for each session, providing you with a structured approach to implementing the strategies you'll learn. Having the workbook during the event allows you to follow along more effectively, take organized notes, and refer back to the material when applying it to your church. Purchasing the workbook before October 1st ensures you receive it in time for the event, giving you a significant advantage in getting the most out of the workshop.

10. How can I claim my free Mission Review Consultation with Henry?

To claim your free Mission Review Consultation, purchase the Workshop Replays. After your purchase, you will receive an email with instructions on how to schedule your FREE consultation session with Henry Tolbert.


Take the first step towards a mission that inspires action and fosters growth.